Humor That Works

make work suck less
in 7 business days

Join our course and community on the journey to making your job more bearable or, dare I say, enjoyable.




every professional faces the same 10 problems:

If you're reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems are keeping you up at night (and keeping you from enjoying your time at work.)

Chances are you've already asked yourself "Is this what work has to feel like?" and you're here because you already know the answer - no. This is definitely not what work has to feel like.

Whether it's to lower your stress, increase confidence, accelerate your career trajectory or even decide against quitting your current job...

  • procrastination
  • lack of motivation
  • poor communication
  • bureaucracy
  • insufficient positive feedback
  • resignation / domestication
  • burn out
  • emotional detachment
  • mental exhaustion
  • lack of control
  • cringey teambuilding events

improving your own mindset around work has to be at the top of your priority list for 2023.

What's Your Why?

You'll have much higher chances of seeing results if you start with a goal.

Do you have a presentation coming up?
Are you planning to ask for a raise?
Is there a colleague you'd like to build a stronger relationship with?



"I want to be a more interesting person.  Funny people are always fun to be around, and I want to be someone who others want to be around more."



"I want to fill my work environment with humor and I make software, so even software should be funnier. WHY should enterprise software be serious?"



"I signed up because I'm the one that's too serious.  I'm always being told to loosen up.  Enjoy life.  All while I'm thinking there's too much to do and too little time.  Hoping humor helps me slow down a bit and enjoy the ride."



"There is something about making work fun, that makes it feel a little less like work. I am excited to connect with like minded individuals and build on my skills."



"I work in a very serious area, with very serious people. I would like to transform the meetings in the company's medical team area into light, humorous and yet full of content rich dialogues."

Bring your most important goals and priorities, so by the end of the course you'll have a deliverable you are proud of.

You’ll be joining folks from a wide range of industries, including tech, consumer goods, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, government, education, and non-profit.



why have we normalized being disengaged at work?

1/3 of your awake adult life spent at work

Spending a third of our waking life feeling anxiety, fear, worry, dread, uncertainty, shame, exhaustion, isolation, boredom, detachment, resignation or defeat is not only unstainable, it's dangerous.

The current way of working, isn't working.

And I know what you're thinking, "If you don't like your job, change it."

Well, changing your job is unrealistic advice for many people. It isn't often feasible or easy to do so. And even if you do change your job, it would only help for now, but will it help for good?

Surely we can do better than just "sucking it up."

"It’s not about changing what we do, it’s about changing how we do it."

Easy. Humor.
Yes, really.

I personally guarantee that if you use humor correctly, it can be your greatest asset for building a happier, healthier and more productive life.




Who am I to make such outlandish claims?

For the past 12 years I've been successfully teaching people how to efficiently use humor in their personal and professional life.

What started as a quest to deal with my own disengagement at work turned into a life-long mission to help you harness the power of humor.

I've done this by writing books, through one on one sessions, speaking on stages and through private corporate workshops.

And now I'm here teaching you directly.

Some of the stages I've spoken on:


the only change that matters

I'm not flashing the logos above to brag (although speaking for the FBI was kind of cool) I'm saying this because this experience, and the proprietary tools I've built over the past decade, make me uniquely qualified to teach you how to improve your own work environment.

I can't force your manager to be more generous with their positive feedback, nor can I convince the leadership to increase your pay, but...

"I can teach you how to be more visible, diffuse a tense situation and achieve better work/life balance."

And that's exactly what I'm going to teach you in this course - a fail proof, step by step method on how to intentionally incorporate humor at work and at home to create meaningful connections with co-workers and fellow humans, become (more) memorable, improve productivity, relieve stress and simply have more fun to... you know, enjoy life (if you’re into that sort of thing.)




"We take everything too seriously, especially at work. At least I used to – I was always trying to sound smart, to impress others, to out-jargon my colleagues to show that I was WAY more bought in. Then I realized that the Megan in front of the PowerPoint was not at all like the Megan chatting at the coffee machine, and that I (and my colleagues) liked the coffee one better. I’ve been making a conscious effort to be more authentic – and to help others be more authentic – ever since."

the inevitable challenges

Having to change the way you view and engage with others at work can feel daunting.

  • You won't see much change at the beginning.
  • You'll have to get over the fear of judgement and rejection.
  • You won't want to rock the boat and there's a lot of trial and error.

It's hard, it takes work. But...

"It's really fun and if you can make it work, it's genuinely life-changing."

Do you know what it takes to effectively use humor?

Most people know it involves delivery, timing, you might say reading the room or knowing the audience.

Notice: all things you can learn. These are all components of your skill of humor: timing, delivery, knowing your audience, what’s appropriate, confidence. All can be learned. That doesn’t mean it might not take some effort, but it does mean it can be learned. Which means, the question isn’t…

"Are you funny?" The question is…

What kind of funny are you?



what you'll find inside

The Make Work Suck Less is an online course and community designed over the course of 7 + 3 days.

You will work alongside myself, my team and the private Humor that Works learning community in a safe space where you can communicate and engage with each other.

Every day you will be met with a short, to the point lesson, concrete action steps and reflection exercises so you can put what you learn into practice immediately.

You will also be able to deepen your practice in our community with exclusive live Q&A sessions (with options for all time zones)


the accountability you've been missing

I will be transparent with you and say that a good chunk of the information I teach in this course exists elsewhere, for free, on the Internet.

In the 12 years I've been teaching humor at work I've put out a lot of this content myself, you just have to dig around and find it.

The reason students have joined the Humor That Works community is because they don't just want "information"

• They want to be held accountable.
• They want to be supported by mentors.
• They want to be pushed and challenged to grow.

The "Make Work Suck Less" Promise

when you join the Make Work Suck Less Course, I promise that you'll...







The beginning of a humor routine. This commitment will improve your own quality of life and, by extension, the quality of the people around you.

A social learning experience where you will learn as much from each other, as you will from me.

Lifetime access to a community that is going to be that safe space for you to try things out, share your reflections, see how others are doing, and generally be supported, inspired, and entertained.



This is NOT a memory course.
The goal isn't to teach you how to memorize jokes, it's to be in that state which makes humor inevitable.

This is NOT a theoretical course.
The goal is not to hoard information. As adults, we learn by problem solving. It is essential that you do the exercises. They will train your humor muscle and give you the opportunity to interact with other members.

Is "Make Work Suck Less" right for you?

This course was designed for anyone who wants to succeed and keep their sanity in an increasingly competitive and stressful work environment.

If you are a professional, working in an office or a hybrid / remote setup, disheartened by your work environment and in need of a change this is for you.



"I want to be able to captivate people when I talk. Too often I start to tell a story and get interrupted or asked a question that takes me off track. I am genuinely interested in others' stories. But down deep everyone wants to be listened to as well. Perhaps humour will add that edge that keeps them hanging on."



"I'm tired of thinking, "what I should have said was...." or thinking "it" in the moment, and not saying! I believe laughter is the shortest distance between two hearts. Once that distance is bridged, challenges can be discussed and opportunities discovered."



"For the first time in my work career, the water cooler talk and landing at a colleagues desk was cut short. The side comments and quips were reduced because people wouldn’t come off mute or show video - so I fell like talking to a void."



"If you can't laugh and enjoy at least one thing a day that doesn't work for me, especially at work.  I hate taking myself too seriously (which I did for far too long) and, I love to expand my knowledge and skills - so focusing on Humor - I'm In!"


"No Joke" Money-Back Guarantee

I'm not asking you to decide yes or no today. I'm asking you to make a fully informed decision, that is all. The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not the outside. So you get on the inside and see if everything I said on this page is true and valuable to you. Then, if it is, that's when you decide to stay on. If it's not for you, no hard feelings.

But you can't fully make this decision right now for the same reason you don't buy a house without first looking at the inside of it. And know this, whether it's 7 minutes or 7 days from now, if you aren't happy, I'm not happy. For any reason whatsoever. If you want your money back you can get it because I only want to keep your money if you're happy. All you have to do is to email us at [email protected] and tells us "give my money" and you got it.

You can only make such a guarantee when you're confident that what you have is truly going to make a difference and I'm fairly confident that when you sign up at you're getting exactly what you need to improve your personal and professional life with humor.

All you have to do is show us that you've completed at least 3 of the exercises available in the course.

A final word from (an)drew

The #1 reason people don’t use more humor at work is because they don’t think their boss or coworkers would approve. Be honest, was that not the first thought  you had when you realized what this course was about? It is for most people.

And while, yes, some of this responsibility should fall on the management's shoulders, it is their job to make you feel welcomed, heard and rightly compensated, but what do you do when that doesn't happen? You take matters into your own hands.

This course is the result of thousands of hours spent teaching, speaking, coaching and writing about humor in the workplace.

I've charged between $2000 and $15000 to teach this system at some of the world's leading organizations, but I wanted to make that same quality of education available to everyone, regardless of where they live or which resources they have access to.


You are the one constant in every job you've had, every task you've done and every team you've been a part of.

I will teach you how you can successfully use humor as a weapon to increase workplace satisfaction and productivity even if you don't have a funny bone in your body.


Answers to your Frequently Asked Questions

since you've made it this far...
talk to us

We want you to feel fully confident in your decision to join Make Work Suck Less so you can focus on learning and taking action. If you have any question whatsoever, email [email protected] for a private chat with our team.

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